Bits and pieces.

We are all a little of bit of everyone we meet in our lives. And this eerie feeling of everyone is existing in us,

in the form of modifying a specific recipe in a specific way,

in the form of preferring a certain route to a specific place,

in the form of combining dishes in a way that we weren’t used to before,

in the form of a tea person becoming a coffee person and vice-versa,

in the form of excluding some food allergens and consciously reminding yourself that you are tolerant to it,

in the form of always ordering a specific menu at a specific restaurant,

and in all other subconscious forms that we don’t even pay attention to anymore, that they have become an inherent part of our lives!

After all, what’s life if not for these little big pieces of others that we carry within ourselves?

In the end, it’s in these bits and pieces, we get to complete the bizarreness of this journey. Just like how I was able to find some pieces of myriad emotions in these bubbles today!

To one such lil big piece of my life!

What I learnt – Day 15.

Day 15 – Forgive and please, forget.

We live in a world of chaos. We are all in the path to seek peace, seek happiness, seek anything and everything that makes us happy. But, if given an option to forgive, to let go, we are the first ones to take that back step.

There isn’t a single person who hasn’t made a mistake. There’s no one who doesn’t feel the guilt or have regrets. Hurt and heal is a part of being human. There are absolutely no hard and fast rules to be a better being, after all.

The only rule book we have is our yardstick called gratitude. The more we grow, the more grateful we feel. Grateful, for both the scars and the stars. When this perspective of gratitude is on, our very notion of growth shall differ.

We’ll no longer associate growth to a personal or a career progress, but rather to a state of mind. The growth in its innate form, to forgive, as well as forget, for we value the being in them and not the doing in them.

Forgive, for we value the person on the opposite,

Forget, for we value the person within.

Source: Pinterest

Reminder: Sssh, it’s almost 2020.

As we approach the fag end of this decade, which I still cannot believe, I would like to leave my fellow readers and bloggers with a reminder.

There’s just less than a month left in this decade.


Tell that darn person that you like them. Tell that NO to the party that you’re not interested in. Tell that you would like to have a coffee with that handsome man, just because. Tell that six YO self that she has come this far, not just to come this far.

Take that all it takes. And reap that all it gives. Your life. 🙂


Hearing his name for the first time,

Her stomach stopped that routine chyme.

Never had an opportunity to think about this again,

Her heart was all clear like the morning sunshine.

Unexpected, like every other story,

A twist was at a poised coffee brewery.

To her heart that was absolutely fine,

He became the intertwine.

Then, COFFEE? Oh well! That’s her forever first lifeline! 😂

Image source: Pinterest

What I learnt – Day 10.

Day 10 – Feed your soul.

We always tend to feed our breadbasket and forget about the kingpin of our system, SOUL.

Feeding your soul is about making it heard. Listen to your soul. To your inner voice. To your gut.

“Detox your mind and declutter your heart.”

Feeding isn’t about intake always. Sometimes it is about giving. Giving your soul, the permission to be. To be itself.

Image source: Pinterest


In every poem she writes,

One could always see a foresight,

Of an end rhyme coming like a daylight,

Which has always been her readers’ delight.

Not everyone knew her ignite,

That had the desire of a happy ending, with her infinite! ❤️

Happy World Poetry Day to all the lovely readers and writers out there! 📝

P.s: Every figure of speech used by a writer has its own plot. :’)

Image source: Pinterest


Image source: Pinterest

Careful, my dear heart!

Hurt comes in all shapes and sizes,

And more importantly, from all sources and seeds.

You, yes you!

Expect and accept,

Rather than to falsely believe, and break.

Image source: Pinterest